Holographic television to become reality

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Holographic television to become reality

Post by BASEL » Thu Oct 16, 2008 9:05 am

Scientist: Holographic television to become reality
Researchers have created the first rewritable and erasable holographic images

Holographic televisions could come out of the wall or up from a table

The 3-D hologram technology could have uses in surgery or in the military

LONDON, England (CNN) -- Picture this: you're sat down for the Football World Cup final, or a long-awaited sequel to the "Sex and the City" movie and you're watching all the action unfold in 3-D on your coffee table.

The future of television? This image is an impression of what 3D holographic television may look like.

It sounds a lot like a wacky dream, but don't be surprised if within our lifetime you find yourself discarding your plasma and LCD sets in exchange for a holographic 3-D television that can put Cristiano Ronaldo in your living room or bring you face-to-face with life-sized versions of your gaming heroes.

http://edition.cnn.com/2008/TECH/scienc ... storyemail
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